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Finite Element Assembly in Nek5000/RS

In this post, I’d like to talk a bit about how Nek treats the connectivity and therefore periodicity. Despise that we are going into Nek’s structure, the general concept can be applied to other ...

Nek5000 簡介

簡介 Nek5000 1 是一個開源的軟體,用來跑流體動力學的模擬, 包含不可壓縮流體(incompressible Navior-Stokes)、和熱傳導的耦合、紊流模型、低馬赫數可壓縮流體的近似解、磁流體等。 主要的特點如下: 開源:就是不用錢,程式碼公開,有錯大家抓。 使用『譜元素法』2,能在相同的計算資源下達到較高的精度。數值格式誤差的低耗散性相對提昇了對紊流的解析...

Website Logs

Hello World! This has been my new year resolution for too long. At last, in 2023, my personal website is online! Welcome! TL;DR Building website is always one of my hobbies. It had occupied my...